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Turtle Wax

Turtle Wax - Super Hard Shell Finish Originele Spray Wax 500ml

Marque: Turtle Wax
Disponibilité: En stock

Turtle Wax Super Hard Shell Finish Original Spray Wax is inspired by the legendary car wax that started it all. Generations later, Super Hard Shell Finish Spray Wax delivers the renowned Hard Shell Finish in a quick and easy spray format for the demands of a new generation of car enthusiasts! Original Spray Wax is durability enriched with carnauba for a long-lasting end result and a super smooth surface that beads water for weeks. Easy to use; no hard brushing, comes off super easily, works even in direct sunlight or humid conditions. Turtle Wax Super Hard Shell Finish is safe for all finishes and leaves no powdery residue.


  • Enriched with carnauba for a long-lasting end result
  • Easy to use, no hard brushing
  • Works even in direct sunlight
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