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Innotec - Multi Spray 1000 500ml

Marque: Innotec
Disponibilité: En stock

Multi Spray 1000 is a light lubricant with strong moisture-resistant properties that makes heavy moving parts common and protects against corrosion. The product displaces moisture by penetrating between the substrate and the water and then protecting the substrate.

Electrical connections are often located in places where they are highly subject to weather influences and the effect of dirt, grease and brine. The protective effect of Multi Spray 1000 prevents corrosion on plugs, electrical connections, battery terminals, distributor caps and ignition systems.

Already soiled or damaged electrical contacts can first be cleaned with Contact Clean, before effectively protecting them with Multi Spray 1000.

Multi Spray 1000 is a perfect product to protect plastic parts against weathering. Even weathered plastic can be brought back to new condition by the penetrating effect of the product. Multi Spray 1000 gives a natural shine to the plastic.

Multi Spray 1000 is 100% silicone-free and therefore ideal for use in bodyshops and paint shops.

The aerosol packaging makes Multi Spray 1000 very user-friendly and easy to apply.

Multi Spray 1000 is available as a user-friendly aerosol with an extra nozzle and straw for hard-to-reach places.


  • Ideal as a lubricant for locks, tools, cables, etc.
  • Keeps rubber and plastic flexible and smooth without silicone.
  • Cleans and protects tools, engines, skis, boats, machines, etc.
  • Protects electrical connections for a very long time.
  • Perfect for use in hard-to-reach places.
  • Silicone free
  • OEM Released
  • NSF registered in category H2, registration number 153349.




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